God Has Spoke in His Holiness – Psalms 108:7

In Psalms one hundred eight David said, “Be you exalted, O God, above the heavens: and your glory above all the earth. That your beloved may be delivered: save with your right hand, and answer me”, and in chapter one hundred eight and verse seven of Psalms David said, “God has spoken in his holiness” where we read,

God has spoken in his holiness;

I will rejoice, I will divide Shechem, and mete out the valley of Succoth.

The verse begins, God has spoken in his holiness; David began with the words, “God has spoken” or “the Divine judge, ruler and Supreme God has declared, conversed, promised and communed” “in his holiness” which means “within his, Jehovah God’s, sacredness, separateness, apartness and consecration”. David said the Divine judge Jehovah God has declared the following according to His consecration and sacredness.

The verse continues, “I will rejoice, I will divide Shechem, and mete out the valley of Succoth.” David added the words, “I will rejoice” or “I, Jehovah God, shall exult, triumph and jump for joy”, “I will divide Shechem” whose name means “I shall plunder, allot, apportion and assign Shechem whose name means back or shoulder and was a city in Manasseh located in a valley between Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim and is north of Jerusalem and seven miles southeast of Samaria”, “and mete out” or “and stretch out or measure” “the valley of Succoth” which means “the vale, lowland and open country belonging to Succoth whose name means booth and was the site where Jacob put up booths for his cattle and built a house for himself; apparently east of the Jordan near the ford of the torrent Jabbok and later allotted to the tribe of Gad”. David said he would exult and jump for joy as he plundered “Shechem” and measured out the lowland belonging to “Succoth”.

When we consider the words in this verse, we see how David referred to how the Divine judge Jehovah God made a declaration within his sacredness and separateness. God responded that He would triumph because He would separate “Shechem” and measure “Succoth”. God is able to control any place He desires, and because He wants to have a personal relationship with every person through His Son Jesus, He sent Jesus into the world to die on the cross for the sins of all mankind. When we yield to Him, He will forgive our sins, grant us everlasting life and allow us to enjoy His work over any place He desires.

Next time David says, “Gilead, Manasseh and Epharim” are God’s, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

See more devotionals on the website “thewordfortodaywithray.com” or look for the daily devotional book “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation”, the marriage book “So, You Want to Be Married”, “One Year in the Sermon on the Mount” and the new poetry book “Random Mushrooms Volumes I and II” and the new novel “Elizabeth County” in all major bookstore sites, http://www.amazon.com ; http://www.barnesandnobles.com ; download to e-books, and find it locally at www.mrzlc.com/bookstore. All references are from “Strongs Concordance”.

About whatshizname

Owner of two businesses in Tallahassee. Love to write, and enjoy reading.
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