Do For Me O God the Lord – Psalms 109:21

In Psalms one hundred nine David said, Let this be the reward of my adversaries from the LORD, and of them that speak evil against my soul”, and in chapter one hundred nine and verse twenty-one of Psalms David said, “do you for me, O GOD the Lord, for your name’s sake” where we read,

But do you for me, O GOD the Lord, for your name’s sake:

because your mercy is good, deliver you me.

The verse begins, But do you for me, O GOD the Lord, for your name’s sake: David began with the words, “but do you for me” or “however, nonetheless, notwithstanding and moreover you, Jehovah God, perform, produce and act on behalf of me, David”, “O GOD the Lord” which means “O Divine judge, ruler and Supreme God Adonay and the reverent Master”, “for your name’s sake” or “on behalf of your, Jehovah God’s, fame, reputation and glory’s purpose and intent”. David wanted his reverent Master Jehovah God to reward his adversaries for their declaring wickedness in opposition to His “name”.

The verse continues, “because your mercy is good, deliver you me.” David added the words, “because your mercy” or “since and on account that your, Jehovah God’s, goodness, kindness and faithfulness” “is good” which means “exists as pleasant, agreeable and excellent”, “deliver you me” or “Jehovah God rescue, save and liberate me, David”. David said since Jehovah God’s kindness and faithfulness exists as pleasant and agreeable, He would liberate and save him.

When we meditate upon the words in this verse, we discover how David wanted Jehovah God to act on his behalf because of His own reputation, and since Jehovah God’s goodness and kindness is pleasant, He would rescue David. David depended upon Jehovah God because he had a personal relationship with Him. God wants this for everyone, and He sent His Son Jesus into the world to die on the cross for the sins of all mankind so anyone who believes and trusts in Him will be forgiven of their sins, granted everlasting life and given His “mercy” for their deliverance from the penalty of sin.

Next time David says, “for I am poor and needy”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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About whatshizname

Owner of two businesses in Tallahassee. Love to write, and enjoy reading.
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